Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome to the Future...or in other words; Happy New Year 2012!

The new year started with colorful fireworks, which are sadly extremely hard to capture on video, unless you have professional equipment. Which I don't.

Now, the world is still here, and so is my 1 year old food and drink.Well, technically 1 year old. (In fact only a little over 24 hours).

The year started great, and I got to talk to someone special. <3

For the rest, I'll let the prayers I shot up into the air with my fireworks do their job.

May 2012 be a successful and happy year for everyone who is reading this, and ofcourse for the writer of this blog.

Special greetings & new year wishes to....JLL, ROA, YA, BS, FJK, FG, SC, WK, RGT, JPA, JGJ, PS, SPMC (you guys rock!)
Greetings to heaven for those who are no longer with us....JRC, JCC, RMKF, OBL